Compnix Hosting:
This Page is a comprehensive "Guide Page" for your name registration of a .co.uk Domain... Affordably Cheap Internet Hosting... Unlimited email accounts etc. (Simply Click on any heading to the left)
Update your site via our simple but, most advanced Control Panel in the World
Multiple design revisions, plus a huge range of special Internet programs come as standard with our Hosting Packages
Join up and in real time, your website and hosting account are set up immediately the payment is confirmed and therefore, you are ready to start working within a few seconds. (Simply Click Here to Immediately Register your Domain Name or Order Your Hosting Package)

Microsoft Access
Uploaded Microsoft Access databases to your web space for use with your web site applications such as banking and shopping and E-Commerce requirements. |

MySQL SQL Server
Create MySQL Server databases, access them from your web site applications and remotely via Enterprise Manager or ODBC compatible software. |
Microsoft FrontPage Extensions
If you have used Microsoft FrontPage to design your website you will need to install the Microsoft FrontPage Extensions. You can also remove the Extensions using this tool.
Ruby on Rails Web Hosting Features
Unlimited web hosting features such as unlimited web space, bandwidth, databases and more provide the infrastructure for our customers to build their website without worrying about hitting any limits and focus on making their website a success.
All our accounts come come standard with a variety of different email items in order that can fuction a proper mailing system whether it be one email or 10,000 email accounts.

Unlimited Addresses
For each package you can configure as many email addresses at each of your domain names as required. Mail to any address can be sent either to one or more mailboxes on our servers or forwarded to an existing email address elsewhere. Mail sent to an address for which you have not configured a specific destination can be sent to a default catch-all location. |

POP3, SMTP & IMAP Mailbox Access
Send and receive email using a mail client such as Microsoft Outlook. You can access our mail servers regardless of how you connect to the Internet overcoming the difficultly faced by many users of "wires only" broadband services which do not include access to an SMTP server. |

Mail Virus Scanning
Your mail is scanned for viruses at the point of entry into our network. New virus definitions are checked for and updated automatically ensuring that no virus bearing email can make it to your inbox. |

Unlimited Auto Responders
Auto responders reply to incoming email with your predefined message instantly and automatically, ideal for informing people when you are on vacation or to reassure customers that their message has been received. |

With Webmail, you are able to read your email and send messages from any computer with Internet access using our web browser based email client, ideal for accessing your email when away from your office or on the move. (Such as WebMail or Mail2Web.com) |
Control Panel
The most advanced web hosting control panel in the world ! ...Think this is a bold statment? It is the centre, where you simply click on the buttons to see just some of the huge array of items that automatically come with all packages
Compnix Control Panel
This Control Board shows most of the Primary Items within your own Hosting Package. The "Control Panel" contains so very many features within each individual category being included as standard for a typical Hosting Packages that it is difficult to list them all. Why not go to the Control Panel and open the sections in order to see for yourself what is available should you sign up with us?
To get your own Domain Name Registered or Transferred and get onto our Internet Hosting go to our Domain Name Registration Page
Who else offers this up front?
Dedicated Servers
Compnix is one of the first UK hosting providers to offer a range of unmetered data transfer dedicated servers. With our expertise we can help design your needs from beginning to end with our dedicated servers there are no monthly data transfer limits and no excess charges but unlike some providers that artificially limit your connection speed with a virtual data pipe, there are no speed restrictions either.
Your dedicated server is connected to the network via a dedicated switch port and you are free to use as much bandwidth as you need at no additional cost. With the dedicated servers the limiting factor becomes the capability of your server hardware, only with Compnix can actually use the dedicated processing and storage capacity of the server you've paid for.
Compnix has the infrastructure and economies of scale to offer you this service on a UK hosted server. Worrying about bandwidth bills is now a thing of the past and you can reap the benefits of the latest broadband and rich media technologies which were previously too costly.
Unmetered Data Transfer – You expand with your dedicated server |

Server Downtime
Virtual pipe offered by other providers constrains your server with a connection slower than home broadband. |

Server Uptime
Guaranteed, unrestricted, dedicated access to network with no excess charges. |
What is Bandwidth?
Bandwidth is the measure of information going both to and from your hosting account with us. It includes all file transfers both incoming and outgoing, all emails to and from the email server and every other form of traffic to and from the account. With the exception of the Gold or Business Professional account, which comes with unlimited bandwidth, all other accounts have more than others monthly bandwidth allocation, as listed on our website at Price Range. Customers can always check how much bandwidth they have used so far in the current month via their eXtend Control Panel, where it will always be displayed above the FTP login details.
Once the bandwidth allocation has been exceeded for that month, the account will be deactivated for the remainder of the month, unless you then upgrade your hosting account in the interim. Details of all our hosting packages are available on our website at Price Range should you wish to consider upgrading. Accounts deactivated for exceeding their bandwidth are automatically reactivated on the 1st of the following month.
Moving your Website Files
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the simplest and most secure way to exchange files over the Internet. The most common uses for FTP is to download files from the Internet, and to upload your website files to your hosting space. The ability to transfer files back-and-forth makes FTP essential for anyone creating a website, amateurs and professionals alike.
An FTP client is software that is designed to transfer files back-and-forth between two computers over the Internet, in this case connecting your computer to our hosting servers. FTP client software needs to be installed on your computer and can only be used with a live connection to the Internet. Popular FTP clients are SmartFTP, FTP Explorer and Core FTP. However, with our system this FTP is built in and very simple to manage from computer, dragging files to your hosting account and back again.
The classic FTP Client look is a two-pane design. The pane on the left displays the files on your computer and the pane on the right displays the files on the remote computer.
File transfers (FTP)are as easy as dragging-and-dropping files from one pane to the other or by highlighting a file and clicking one of the direction arrows located between the panes.
The thing to do is to move the website files from your local computer to the hosting account. How you do this depends on the web design package you are using. Detailed instructions for the most popular FTP programs and web design packages, along with Movie Tutorials for some of them, are contained within the Support Database, that we supply once you have joined up. .
Regardless of which program you use on your local computer, you will need to know the details for the server to upload to. They include the FTP server name, your FTP username and your password. Those details are always displayed at the bottom of the first page of your eXtend Control Panel, so you can always get those details there. Your main FTP username is always your domain name. If your domain is very new or is yet to be transferred into your account, rather than use ftp.yourdomain.dom as the FTP host, you will need to use the IP address instead.
You will also find a File Manager inside your eXtend Control Panel which can be used to move files onto the account, as well as a variety of other functions. A file called index.html will have been preloaded straight into your account when you join and we immediately set up your account, you simply overwrite that file with your main page of your site.
All this Free Software?
All our hosting accounts come with a variety of different templates, scripts and free software supplied as part of the account. All of those are available via the various options inside your eXtend Control Panel. For each option, you will also find on-screen instructions on how to use each of those. There are so many different options that it is impossible to go through each one here, but aside from the details on screen, you will also find more detailed documentation available inside the directory you have chosen to install that feature into.
Please note that the Web Builder is only available to customers with the Bronze, Silver or Gold hosting account. It is not available on the other accounts and so that option will only appear on those higher level accounts. This also applies to MySQL database support, access to shared secure server space and support for Microsoft FrontPage Extensions which are also only available on the Bronze, Silver or Gold hosting accounts. Customers who wish to take advantage of those functions will need to upgrade their hosting accounts accordingly. Details of all our hosting packages are available on our website at Price Range should you wish to consider upgrading
Website Design
Thinking about your Design?
Don't be fooled by cheapness and false promises. There are two main routes, either use our Web Builder or we even give you over 500 basic and Premium Web Templates to design your own website. Better than that, employ a professional because there is much more to designing than a pretty picture. For the true facts read more about Web Design.
Web Design
Web Design is about much more than creating a design that is fresh and appealing. Any web site that is to become successful as a sales and marketing tool needs to be intuitive and easy to use for first-time and repeat visitors.
Web Development
Web development is a broad term used to describe a wide range of services. At Compnix we are able to cater for everything from advanced intranet applications to eCommerce solutions to simple HTML & CSS projects. We even have a Web Checker that you can use.
S.E.O. or Search Engine Optimisation
Search Engine Optimisation is VERY IMPORTANT and generally a service that involves a lot of financial input, it also has a lot of risk in understanding search robots.
What does SEO really do? - Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process by which websites are ‘tuned’ to make them rank higher in natural search engine results listings. An effective SEO strategy starts with the thorough research and analysis of a website, its market and its competition. Using the data generated by the research, targeted changes are made to the website’s content and meta-data, and a network of high quality inbound links (also called backlinks or external links) is established. Following the content optimisation and link building processes, the effectiveness of the website’s SEO strategy is monitored on a rolling basis through the use of website analytics software, such as Google Analytics. The data revealed by the web analytics then dictates the future direction of the SEO strategy, with further content optimisation and link building conducted as and when necessary.
For those reasons we have added a website submission program to the top 10 Search Engines like Google etc..
Web Security
Compnix have added extra security to the suite of scripts that can be installed from the eXtend control panel that is a sophisticated password protection and membership management system that gives you access to a password protected members area. It manages the users login details and allows your webmaster to email and manage users from a simple web interface.
The File Manager
The File Manager puts you in firm control and plays many roles that allow you to control and edit your files as you see fit such as:-
Download files to your computer
Change file and folder permissions
Create new and edit existing text files
Create new and rename existing directories
Rename, delete, move and copy files
Zip on-the-fly and download multiple files
Upload files from your computer (ASCII and binary)
File listing filter with wildcards
Email files
Upload files from another FTP server
Transload (get a file from URL and upload to your FTP server bypassing your local machine)
Browse directories
This File Manager is continually being updated and renewed and to check various new innovations.
All About Domains
The Domain name system
The term domain name has multiple related meanings:
A name that identifies a computer or computers on the internet. These names appear as a component of a Web site's URL, (e.g. compnix.co.uk) This type of domain name is also called a hostname.
The product that domain name registrars such as Compnix provide to their customers. These names are often called registered domain names.
Names used for other purposes in the Domain Name System (DNS), for example the special name which follows the @ sign in an email address, or the Top-level domains like .com, or the names used by the Session Initiation Protocol (VoIP), or DomainKeys.
They are sometimes colloquially (and incorrectly) referred to by marketers as "web addresses".
This article will primarily discuss registered domain names. See the Domain Name System article for technical discussions about general domain names and the hostname article for further information about the most common type of domain name.
To get your own Domain Name Registered or Transferred and get onto our Internet Hosting go to our Domain Name Registration Page
Compnix Domains
All About Compnix Domains
To use your account with us you will need a domain name. It is a simple matter and new Domain Names can be ordered from here and once you have signed up, via your control panel at any time if you do not already have one, or you can use the Transfer a Domain function to bring any existing domain you might have elsewhere into your account with us. On-screen instructions will guide you through the transfer procedure every step of the way. .uk transfers can only succeed if the IPSTAG for the domain has been changed to our domain name server first. The previous host or registry can make that change for you if required.
New Domain Names can be ordered
On-screen instructions will guide you through the transfer procedure every step of the way. .uk transfers can only succeed if the IPSTAG for the domain has been changed to our domain name server first. The previous host or registry can make that change for you if required.
Company Branding
In today's business world it has become increasingly important to develop and maintain an effective corporate identity as this identity reveals a companys desire to become recognised. A company’s brand name was once thought to be a decorative device, but is now less an aspect of public relations and more a product of business strategy with extensive connotations for the businesses that develop them.
The Compnix design team has over 18 years experience where branding is concerned and we offer combined solutions using programs like Quark to simultaneously combine company brands into Website and Brochure for all of your creative needs including logo design, graphic design, printing, vehicle graphics, web design, sign writing, display panel creation and photography. We aim to be a one stop shop for everything design and creative orientated – if you need design, simply ask by contacting us.
Website Examples
At Compnix our client base stems from a wide variety of industry sectors, company sizes charitable and governmental organisations. Click on the examples above to visit their sites and see examples of our work, or if you are interested additional examples of our work, please contact us or visit our examples pages where you can click on the company names.
Some of the many diverse clientele include:-
Activity Holidays Greece, Surrey Rest Homes, Minardi Boutique Italy, Western Greek Government, Ogamos Cyprus, Fujitsu, Immediate Movies, Pinewood Studios, TNT, Lloyds and TSB Banks, Taste@55, GTO Oil Exploration Limited, Santi Sari Boutique Hotel, Assured Care Surrey, Millstone Water Features etc., to name but a few.
Click on the examples